
One day at my office

I've nothing to write down today. So, while doing some clearing in my house, I've found my 2 years old digital camera - Sony DSC-S600 - Actually, this camera does not function anymore. With strange behavior, it keep asking me to switch off/on again and again even with a new fresh alkaline battery.

Going down and try my luck with new alkaline battery (bought it for RM2, China made I think), suddenly this camera work like normal. Miracle , might be..take some snapshot around my house. But, not too long, the error message asking me to switch off and on the camera appear. Even it keep switch off once I press the start button.

Just before throw back, I knock it several time with my palm. Lucky me, the camera now can function as usual..emmmm, now I know how to handle those strange error message.

Second life in the office !
To share with all, above is my day to day desktop and working table. As you can see, I used laptop as my primary computer. Perhaps, this is not the worst ever desktop table for human being..Look messy but I prefer like this. Easy for me to find my own stuff.

New building coming up in front of my office

Construction on site. My concern mostly on parking space. As you can see, its already full even at 5pm (time taken of the photo from my old digital camera). Picture was taken from my office window. When they first run piling job, I can feel like earthquake here at my table. If your office nearby construction site, you know what I mean. Can't complaint much. The only best thing, I now can force my office owner not to raise up monthly rental. Otherwise, will stop rental and keep moving to this new building :>

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August 5, 2008 at 10:02 PM

cube hang pakai batery yang ok skit.. jangan selalu amalkan batery klon (china made) tuh.. voltage dia tak stabil... kamera pakcik pon pnh jadi macam nie bile selalu pakai bateri chowkia nie.... better pakai rechargeable nye batteri..

p/s: just pandangan pakcik je...


August 6, 2008 at 2:33 PM

tq, uncle..pakai kamera sama ke?..pasal bateri dah cube beli yang mahalnyer pun same gak problem..last2, kamera tu kene katok skit kat depan baru ok..

tiap kali sebelum on, kasik ketuk skit depan lens dia..rasenye, lens tu tersangkut tiap kali nak on power..kalau nak view save picture memang ok..anyway tq..

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