
Linux For You - June 2008 CD Bundle

Linux For You - June 2008
Serving Application - Some of the best-breed application servers that can be deployed to serve applications on your clients.

1. JBoss Application Server
One of the most widely used Java application servers on the market. Hundres of professional open source developers have contributed to the JBoss Application Server over the years. JBoss is advance middleware with a full J2EE-based personality that IT departments look for. JBoss Application Server (or JBoss AS) is a free software/open source Java EE-based application server. Because it is Java-based, JBoss AS is cross-platform and usable on any operating system that Java supports.

2. Apache Geronimo V2.1.1
The goal of the Geronimo project is to produce a server runtime framework that pulls together the best open sources alternatives to create sun-times that meet the needs of developers and system administrators. Apache Geronimo V2.1.1 has passed the SUN's JEE5 Certification Test Suite. Each Geronimo package includes one of two possible Web containers, Tomcat or Jetty. Both Tomcat and Jetty are fully supported in Geronimo.

3. aTunes
A full-featured audio player and manager, developed in Java programming language, so it can be executed on different platforms. It currently plays mp3, ogg, wma, wav, flac, mp4 and radio streaming, allowing users to easily edit tags and organise music. In order to run aTunes, you need to have Java 6 Runtime Edition (JRE) and mplayer installed on your system.

4. jlGui
Graphical musix player that supports JavaSound capabilities: wav, au, aiff, speex, mp3 and Ogg Vorbis through our VorbisSPI. The goal of this player is to provide a real-time music player for the Java Platform, WinAmp skins compliant with streaming support.

5. kbilliards
A funny billiards simulator game for KDE.

6. KrossWordPlayer
A KDE program to play AcrossLite crossword puzzles

...and much more, please take a visit to www.lfymag.com.

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