
10 early signs of pregnancy


This is usually the first hint that a woman is pregnant. Once pregnancy is establish, the body starts producing the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone which interrupts and stop the menstrual cycle. However, it is normal to miss you period if you do not have a regular menstrual cycle or suffer from excessive stress. You may also miss your period of you have just stopped taking the oral contraceptive pill. Or, it may simply be because your hormones are a little offset that month.


Although it is called morning sickness, nausea can occur at any time of the day. This is the next most obvious sign of pregnancy, though some women may have no nauseous feelings whatsoever. Those who do experience morning sickness may just feel queasy while others may actually vomit. Thankfully, this usually happens only between the second and eight week of conception, and goes away after the first trimester (12 weeks). Some women may, however, have a severe form of morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum that can lead to dehydration and other problems. Check immediately with your doctor if your nausea or vomiting is uncontrollable.


If even the slightest brush against your breast make you go ouch, or if your breasts suddenly seem larger, you could have conceived! You may also notice your areola (the dark area around your nipples) darkening. The veins in your breasts may become more visible and the tiny bumps (called Montgomery's tubercles) around your areola may increase in number. These changes are happening because your body is preparing itself for breastfeeding once baby is born. Although it may not be evident till after the first trimester, some women report experiencing this as early as the first month of pregnancy.


Pregnancy causes your body to go through significant metabolic changes because it needs to begin adjusting to the needs of a growing baby. This in turn can cause extreme fatigue that may last a few months.


There is a high chance that as your belly swells, so will you although some naturally small-framed women may be in their ninth month and still look lithe. The extra pounds may make you feel uncomfortable, but do console yourself that this fat store if for the benefit of your baby's growth as well as for breastfeeding.


This is to be expected due to the redistribution of weight in your body. A growing baby in the womb will also put stress on your back. However, it is highly advisable to get your pregnancy confirmed as an aching back is also a symptom of other medical conditions.


If you are experiencing some of the above signs and also begin to suddenly yearn for sour food, food normally don't eat or odd combinations of food, you know that you need to see your doctor quickly. Food cravings can change from pregnancy to pregnancy, so although you likes chicken with peanut butter when you had your first child, you may not again when pregnancy for the second time. Take it easy however, heartburn during pregnancy can be worsened by indulging some of your cravings.


Some pregnant women may produce more saliva tha is usual, to the extent that hey will have to spit constantly into a tissue or cup. This is especially evident if they are also experiencing nausea. The more severe form of this condition is called ptyalism. Experts think that htere are a variety of reasons for so much drool, including heartburn and hormonal changes. Brushing your teeth more often or sucking on hard sweets may help.


A growing baby tends to squash the bladder and because of this pressure, you may feel like going to the toilet more often. Moving your bowels however, may be difficult. Experts think that this is because the hormones produced during pregnancy tend to relax the intestines, making them less efficient.


It is also common to experience a stuffy nose in early pregnancy. This is because pregnancy hormones also effect mucus production in the nose and sinuses. If all these changes are taking place in your body, it is strong sign that there is life growing inside of you. So go ahead and purchase a home pregnancy testing kit or take a deep breath and make a doctor's appointment.

Make note:

A home pregnancy test can be accurate as early as 10 to 14 days after fertilisation. It works by measuring the level of hCG in your urine. Blood tests may be accurate as early as eight to 10 days after fertilisation. If you experience the signs but the test comes out negative, you might want to try again a week later.While high;y reliable, these tests are not full-proof. To be certain, your doctor may order for an ultrasound.

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